LastOnline blood donation campaign logo
LastOnline blood donation campaign logo
LastOnline blood donation campaign logo



The purpose of the LastOnline blood donation campaign is to bring all players together and activate them to help patients and save lives by donating blood.
During the campaign, the gaming community's blood donation activity will be monitored using a familiar health bar from games.

The goal of the campaign is to reach 200,000 people and achieve 1337 donors, which will help 4011 patients!

Let's show together what players are capable of!

Join the life-saving team and go donate!

LastOnline Blood Donation Campaign aims to bring all players together and activate them to help patients and save lives by donating blood.
During the campaign, the gaming community's blood donation activity will be monitored using a familiar health bar from games.

The goal of the campaign is to reach 200,000 people and achieve 1337 donors, which will help 4011 patients!

Let's show together what the players and the game industry are capable of!

Join the life-saving team and go donate!

LastOnline Blood Donation Campaign aims to bring all players together and activate them to help patients and save lives by donating blood.
During the campaign, the gaming community's blood donation activity will be monitored using a familiar health bar from games.

The goal of the campaign is to reach 200,000 people and achieve 1337 donors, which will help 4011 patients!

Let's show together what the players and the game industry are capable of!

Join the life-saving team and go donate!

Health bar status







Assembly Winter '25
20.02. - 23.02.2025

The highly popular LastOnline blood donation campaign is coming to ASM Winter!

At the event, you can get to know the blood donation bus, participate in the campaign, and donate blood. In addition, you can determine your blood type and enjoy various activities and competitions.

Welcome along and donate!

Assembly Summer '25
31.07. - 03.08.2025

The LastOnline tour culminates again at Assembly Summer!

This summer you will also have the chance to get to know the blood donation bus and participate in the campaign by donating blood.

A more detailed program, activities, and other information will be published closer to the event!

07.06.2024 - 10.00 - 17.00

LastOnline-verenluovutuskampanja saapuu Tampereelle kesäkuussa!

Kaikille avoimessa tapahtumassa voit pelata huipputason tietokoneilla, playstationeilla tai kokeilla ajosimulaattoria!

Pelaamisen lisäksi voit tavata tapahtumassa pelaajia, pelialan ammattilaisia, vaikuttajia sekä tukea kampanjaa luovuttamalla verta!

Assembly Summer '24
02.08.- 03.08.2024

LastOnline-pelikiertue huipentuu Assembly Summereille elokuussa!

Tapahtumassa voi tutustua verenluovutusbussiin ja osallistua kampanjaan luovuttamalla verta. Ensikertalaisilla on mahdollisuus tutustua verenluovutukseen sekä selvittää oman veriryhmänsä.

Tapahtumasta löytyy myös veripalvelukahvila luovuttajille!

During the event, it is also possible to donate blood! So come by, play, and participate in the campaign by donating blood!

During the event, it is also possible to donate blood! So come by, play, and participate in the campaign by donating blood!

How do I participate?

How do I participate?

How do I participate?

1. Take a quick online test

Take a quick online test and see if you are suitable as a donor.

2. Book an appointment

Book an appointment at the nearest blood donation point.

3. Fill out the health questionnaire

Do it on the day of the donation or one day beforehand.

4. Donate

Remember to mention at the beginning of the health interview that you want to participate in the LastOnline campaign!

5. Enjoy for helping

Congratulate yourself, as you have just helped several patients!
Enjoy the coffee service and take it easy!

Encourage others to join!

Encourage others to join!

Did you donate?

Share the experience of helping others!

Tell your friends about the importance of blood donation and the campaign

and encourage them to donate too!

Use the hashtag #LastOnline on social media

Everyone is needed

Everyone is needed

Everyone is needed

Blood donors are needed every weekday so that patients in hospitals get the blood products they need.

Every weekday, about 700 blood donors are needed and about 40,000 patients in Finland need blood products annually.

Most people could try donating, but currently only 3.5% donate blood.

One blood donation can help up to three patients and can save a life.

People who need blood products include accident victims, cancer patients, and expectant mothers.

Book an appointment for donation today!

Blood donors are needed every weekday so that patients in hospitals get the blood products they need.

Every weekday, about 700 blood donors are needed and about 40,000 patients in Finland need blood products annually.

Most people could try donating, but currently only 3.5% donate blood.

One blood donation can help up to three patients and can save a life.

People who need blood products include accident victims, cancer patients, and expectant mothers.

Book an appointment for donation today!

Blood donors are needed every weekday so that patients in hospitals get the blood products they need.

About 700 blood donors are needed every weekday and about 40,000 patients in Finland need blood products annually.

Most people could try donating, but currently only 3.5% donate blood.

One blood donation can help up to three patients and can save a life.

Blood products are needed by e.g. accident victims, cancer patients and in childbirth.

Book an appointment for donation today!

Book an appointment

Check the need for blood today


The LastOnline blood donation campaign is a campaign organized in collaboration between RoundsGG Ltd. and Veripalvelu.

The LastOnline blood donation campaign is a campaign organized in collaboration between RoundsGG Ltd. and Veripalvelu.

The LastOnline blood donation campaign is a campaign organized in collaboration between RoundsGG Ltd. and Veripalvelu.